There is no fee, however you must supply a deposit for the project. The deposit is calculated at 2% of the highest valuation or $15,000, whichever is less, for a construction project and 10% of the highest valuation or $15,000, whichever is less, for a demolition project. The deposit may be made in the form of cash, check, credit card, or letter of credit. If you choose to submit a letter of credit, please request a letter of credit template to provide to your bank and allow for extra time to process. Both the deposit and the approved CDMMP must be received by the City before a building permit may be issued.
Whoever will pay the deposit will need to complete and submit a W-9 so that we can refund the deposit at the end of the project, as long as requirements are met. If you are using a company card for payment, please be sure to include the company and individual’s name during payment processing. (Proof of 65% recycle or reuse of all project materials). No taxpayer identification number is required since this is a refund and not a payment.