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Automotive Maintenance and Car Care

Working on cars is a messy business. Special care is needed to properly manage materials and fluids in order to keep work areas clean. Follow these steps to ensure a safe environment and prevent stormwater pollution.

Automotive Repair, Requirements

  • Protect work, storage, and fueling areas from rainfall and runoff
  • Use a funnel and drip pan to avoid spills. If spills occur, clean up promptly and completely to avoid staining
  • Keep absorbent or a spill kit on-site to allow for prompt clean-up of spills
  • All waste materials must be labeled and stored in a covered, secondary containment area
  • Label, inspect and clean storm drain inlets
  • Train employees on practices that prevent stormwater pollution
  • Post signs instructing people not to overfill gas tanks
  • Obtain an Underground Storage Tank (UST) permit and be equipped with spill and overfill protection
  • Comply with permitting requirements for Los Angeles County Industrial Waste, Los Angeles County Sanitation District, and/or Los Angeles County Fire Department

Vehicle and Equipment Washing

  • Prohibit wash water and waste water from entering the storm drain
  • Washing is allowed at the facility only if all process and rinse water is directed to the sanitary sewer through a pre-treatment system or into a sump for proper disposal. Waste water may also be recovered and taken directly to a waste treatment facility
  • Facility must have a valid Industrial Waste permit for washing activity


  • Automotive fluids including oil, gasoline, antifreeze, transmission fluid, brake fluid, power-steering fluid, etc. must be recycled or properly disposed of as hazardous waste
  • Consider becoming a State Certified Used Oil Collection Center
  • Implement a recycling program or at least know where and how to recycle various materials