Energy Efficiency
Did you know that it’s easy to make your home, business, or building project more energy efficient? Did you know that you can actually save money by doing so? In fact, you can start saving right now by taking advantage of the multitude of incentive programs currently being offered. Whether you’re installing solar panels, purchasing energy-efficient equipment and appliances or simply wanting to save money on your utility bill, it pays to go green.
Residential Programs
Thinking about a home improvement project, or maybe just looking at ways to reduce your utility bill? Chances are there’s a program that can help.
- Energy Upgrade California: Energy Upgrade California® is a state initiative to help Californians take action to save energy and conserve natural resources, help reduce demand on the electricity grid, and make informed energy management choices at home and at work.
- Federal Stimulus Package Funds – Weatherization Program: Households that qualify can have as much as $6,500 for energy-efficient improvements to their home.
- Go Solar: Go Solar is a program sponsored by the California Public Utilities Commission and Energy Commission and provides a variety of rebate programs. If you’re thinking about installing solar panels on your home, this page is a must!
- The Greater Los Angeles Energy Partnership is a partnership among six Southern Californian cities in the L.A. region, The Gas Company, and The Energy Coalition. Its mission is to build positive relationships among cities, energy consumers, and their serving utilities, and to educate communities about sustainable and efficient energy practices.
- Save Money on your Utility Bills: In these tough economic times, it makes more sense than ever to cut costs wherever you can. Southern California Edison and The Gas Company provide several programs that can help!
- SoCalGas CARE: Residents seeking financial relief may qualify for 20% off their natural gas bill with the CARE program. It only takes a few minutes to apply and no additional documentation is required.
- Summer Discount Program: Get up to $230 in credit on your electric bill for this simple, free program.
- Earn Electricity Bill Credits by Saving Energy through the Summer Discount Plan. The Summer Discount Plan is a voluntary Demand Response program for Southern California Edison (SCE) residential and commercial customers. Once you enroll, SCE will install a small, remote-controlled device on or near the central Air Conditioning (A/C) unit(s) of your choosing, absolutely free of charge. If SCE calls an energy event in response to emergencies, high wholesale energy prices, or as part of testing, SCE will turn off (or cycle) your selected A/C’s compressor(s). These events may be called year-round. Your participation will earn you bill credits and help reduce the chance of power outages in your community. Your fan will continue to run and circulate air, so you may not even notice a shift in temperature. With less natural gas currently available from Aliso Canyon (Porter Ranch) to generate electricity from gas-powered power plants, participation in SDP may help prevent the likelihood of outages. More information is available in the SDP brochure, available at
Rebates for SMART Thermostats and Portable Power Stations : Get up to $75.00 for each program.
- Tips on Reducing your Electric Bill: These tips will help you save money and help protect the environment at the same time. It’s easier than you think!
- React with Impact: Save money and help California conserve precious resources for generations to come!
- Rebate Programs from The Gas Company: Save money by reducing your monthly gas bill.
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Energy Star Program
Products that have received the Energy Star rating will help lower your monthly utility costs and protect the environment at the same time, proving that it pays to go green. Finding one that suits your needs is easy!
- Product Catalog: This easy to use catalog provides information on products, where to find them and how much money you could save over less energy efficient products.
- Rebate Finder: Use this tool to find special offers and rebates on a variety of products.
- How Energy Efficient Are You? This simple calculator will provide you with strategies to help you enhance energy efficiency. Interactive features customize these strategies for your own home.
- Locate an Energy Auditor: Find a local Home Energy Rating System (HERS) inspector to conduct an energy audit of your home.
- DIY Home Assessment: The ENERGY STAR Home Advisor can help you improve your home’s energy efficiency while adding comfort and value.
Energy Star Products
Products that have received the Energy Star rating will help lower your monthly utility costs and protect the environment at the same time, proving that it pays to go green. Finding one that suits your needs is easy!
Energy Star products include:
- Appliances
- Heating and Cooling Products
- Water Heaters
- Roofing Materials
- Insulation
- Windows and Doors
- Home Electronics
- Office Equipment
- Lighting
- Commercial Food Service Products
- Commercial Signage
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React With Impact
The City of Santa Clarita and Southern California Edison encourage you to…
React With Impact this summer!
Did you know…
- In Santa Clarita, it costs more to produce electricity in the summer than in the winter because energy demand peaks.
- “Peak” demand typically occurs between noon and 6p.m. when the most energy is consumed.
- During the summer months, the use of air conditioners significantly increases between noon and 6p.m. – the hottest part of the day.
The City of Santa Clarita and Southern California Edison are partnering to help you to React With Impact. By making simple changes to your daily routine, you can save money and help California conserve precious resources for generations to come!
React With Impact!
Implement these simple, free tips and start saving now on your next energy bill!
- Shift energy usage to “off peak” hours – before noon and after 6 p.m.
- Run your dishwasher and clothes washer only when fully loaded.
- Use a power strip to decrease energy usage with one flip of a switch. Even if turned off, electrical items still use electricity when plugged in.
- Turn off lights when you leave a room and in unoccupied spaces.
- Set your thermostat a few degrees higher this summer. You probably won’t notice much difference other than your lower utility bill!
Spread the word – share these tips with family members and friends! |
To learn more, visit
Safety First!
Heating appliances should be serviced annually and checked for proper operation. A qualified heating contractor or plumber can provide this service.
Failure to perform annual maintenance on gas appliances may result in exposure to carbon monoxide, which can cause negative health effects like nausea, drowsiness, flu-like symptoms, and even death. Since space heating typically accounts for more than half of a monthly winter gas bill, the best way to keep bills lower is to get gas appliances serviced.
SoCalGas and the City of Santa Clarita offer the following tips to promote the safe and efficient operation of your natural gas furnace:
- Have gas furnaces checked at least once a year by a qualified heating contractor or plumber.
- Vacuum and clean regularly in and around the furnace, particularly around the burner compartment to prevent a build-up of dust and lint.
- Never store items in, on or around the appliance that can obstruct airflow.
- Most forced-air units have a filter that cleans the air before heating and circulating it throughout the home. The filter should be checked monthly for lint build-up during periods of furnace use and cleaned or replaced, if necessary.
- When installing a new or cleaned filter, be sure to re-install the front panel door of the furnace properly so it fits snugly. Never operate the furnace without the front-panel door properly in place. Doing so may create the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.
- Check the appearance of the flame. If the flame is yellow, large and unsteady, the furnace needs to be inspected immediately by a licensed heating contractor, plumber or SoCalGas to have the condition corrected.
- Never use ovens, ranges or outdoor barbecues to heat a home because these appliances are not designed for such use and pose a severe and potentially fatal risk of carbon monoxide poisoning if used for space heating.
For additional safety and prevention measures, visit SoCalGas.