As of July 1, 2023, Burrtec Waste Industries (Burrtec) is the new exclusive provider of trash and recycling services for residents and multi-family properties in the City of Santa Clarita. Burrtec was awarded the exclusive residential and commercial waste services agreement after a competitive bid process in 2022. Learn more about Burrtec by visiting
Setting up your service
Residents and multi-family property owners/managers can establish waste and recycling services by contacting Burrtec Customer Service at (661) 222-2249.
To learn more about your new cart colors and what belongs where after the hauler transition occurs, please review this Burrtec Cart Guide
Managing your account
Online Payments and Billing: Payment Portal
Automated Payment Service: (888) 298-5161
Phone: (661) 222-2249
Mail: Burrtec Waste Industries, 26000 Springbrook Ave, Suite 101
Santa Clarita, CA 91350
In Person: 26000 Springbrook Ave, Suite 101, Santa Clarita, CA 91350
For more information about Burrtec, visit

Available Services
Trash Service
Trash service is for the removal of household waste that cannot be recycled. Filled carts should weigh no more than 250 pounds and material should be loosely packed to ensure all waste is emptied when serviced.
Items, such as those listed on the Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) page, should be properly disposed of at an authorized facility. Do not put them in your trash cart.
Mixed Recycling
Mixed recycling service is included at no cost with standard weekly residential service from Burrtec Waste Industries. Residents can dispose of their accumulated recyclables, such plastic bottles, aluminum cans, glass, paper and cardboard together in their green recycle cart.
For residents requiring additional recycling capacity, additional recycle carts are available upon request at no additional cost. Please contact Burrtec Customer Service at (661) 222-2249 for more information.
For more information on acceptable recyclable materials and handling, visit the Recycling Page.
Multi-Family Property Service
Burrtec is also the exclusive waste and recycling services provider for multi-family properties in the City of Santa Clarita.
Multi-family properties, including apartment, condominium, and townhouse complexes as well as homeowners’ associations, often have unique service needs. HOA Representatives/Property Managers should contact Burrtec Customer Service at (661) 222-2249 for service information.
For more information please visit our multi-family property recycling page.