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ResidentialResidential Tire Recycling
March 15, 2022

Residential Tire Recycling

The City of Santa Clarita has partnered with Los Angeles County Public Works to offer a waste tire recycling program.
ResidentialTrash and RecyclingYou Can Be a RECYCLE HERO too!
June 19, 2021

You Can Be a RECYCLE HERO too!

By putting ONLY paper, cardboard, plastic and glass bottles and jars, and aluminum and tin cans in your recycling bins – you can become a Recycle Hero!
ResidentialTrash and RecyclingPlastic Bag Recycling
May 19, 2021

Plastic Bag Recycling

For plastic bag and film recycling locations within the City of Santa Clarita, visit Retailer programs are continually changing, so please verify participation with local stores directly. For information…
ResidentialTrash and RecyclingMobile Device Recycling
May 19, 2021

Mobile Device Recycling

Used mobile devices, such as cell phones, can be recycled for FREE through the current E-Waste programs or store drop-off.
ResidentialTrash and RecyclingMattress Recycling
May 19, 2021

Mattress Recycling

Residential customers in Santa Clarita can properly dispose of their unwanted mattresses and box springs at no additional cost.
ResidentialTrash and RecyclingClothing Recycling
May 19, 2021

Clothing Recycling

If it’s time to clean out your closets and drawers, please consider donating.
ResidentialTrash and RecyclingMulti-family Property Recycling
May 19, 2021

Multi-family Property Recycling

There are Recycling and Green Waste Programs available to meet the needs of each apartment, condominium or mobile home complex.
ResidentialTrash and RecyclingOrganics Recycling
May 19, 2021

Organics Recycling

Take advantage of the green waste recycling service that is included in the standard weekly residential trash service in Santa Clarita.
ResidentialTrash and RecyclingUncategorizedBeverage Container Recycling for CASH!
May 19, 2021

Beverage Container Recycling for CASH!

Want to redeem your bottles and cans for the California Redemption Value (CRV)? Find a location near you!